Get to know the developmental characteristics of your students
If you’re hired last-minute, you won’t have time to study, but try to squeeze in a little time to research the habits and behaviors of the little people you’ll be teaching. I didn’t do any developmental research at all before I started teaching first grade. I thought I knew that age group because I had worked with second graders in my internship the year before. But for children, there can be differences in behaviors based on even one year of age! Here is a great resource to get you started. Also, here are some personal findings [unscientific] about 6- and 7-year-olds that I experienced last year: -6/7s are not too cool for stuffed animals, which is great. I let my students read with reading buddies (aka donated Beanie Babies) sometimes, and they loved it! -6/7s lose a lot of teeth. The other teachers had cute teeth holde...