My favorite teaching sages

Teachers are formed out of a constellation of imprints from other teachers. We learn our ways by watching and doing what better teachers have done before us. You probably have mentor teachers and professors who have shaped you into this newbie teacher, this teacher you are going to be. I will not take up the space here to attribute all of those who have had influence over my teaching craft, but trust me, they are numerous, and I am so grateful for them!

In this post, then, I wanted to share my favorite wise-teacher-owls that can be shareable. You don't have to go to a specific school to glean the wisdom or humor in their methods. You can check them out right here on the Web.

1. Mr. Smith. His humor and creative ideas reminded me of why I got into teaching. I have watched every one of his videos. I've also implemented a lot of his great ideas into my classroom!

2. Michael Linsin from Have you ever read a book and thought, this is the only book I ever need to read on this subject! That was me, and that is how strongly I feel about his methods and ideology behind classroom management. I followed all of his advice to the letter, and I had a great first year because of it! Get started by reading his blog posts. You can spend hours on his website. Then, if you agree with his ideas and want to know even more, I would recommend buying his book, "Dream Class." 



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